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<li>'''Yokoyama R.''', '''de Oliveira V.V.M.''', '''Kleven B.''', '''Maeda H.A.''' (2021) The Entry Reaction of the Plant Shikimate Pathway is Subjected to Highly Complex Metabolite-Mediated Regulation
<li>'''Yokoyama R.''', '''de Oliveira V.V.M.''', '''Kleven B.''', '''Maeda H.A.''' (2021) The Entry Reaction of the Plant Shikimate Pathway is Subjected to Highly Complex Metabolite-Mediated Regulation
[https://t.co/3notdIKjrH?amp=1 '''''Plant Cell''''' '''online''']
[https://t.co/3notdIKjrH?amp=1 '''''Plant Cell''''' '''online'''] [[File:DHS_icon.jpg|right|170px|]]
<li>'''Schenck C.A.''', '''Westphal J.''', Jayaraman D., Garcia K., Wen J., Mysore K.S., Ané J.M., Sumner L.W., '''Maeda H.A.*''' (2020) Role of Cytosolic, Tyrosine-Insensitive Prephenate Dehydrogenase in Medicago truncatula. [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/pld3.218 '''''Plant Direct 4: e00218''''']  
<li>'''Schenck C.A.''', '''Westphal J.''', Jayaraman D., Garcia K., Wen J., Mysore K.S., Ané J.M., Sumner L.W., '''Maeda H.A.*''' (2020) Role of Cytosolic, Tyrosine-Insensitive Prephenate Dehydrogenase in Medicago truncatula. [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/pld3.218 '''''Plant Direct 4: e00218''''']  

Revision as of 14:26, 12 January 2021

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Publications (*corresponding author)

Google Scholar citations
  1. Yokoyama R., de Oliveira V.V.M., Kleven B., Maeda H.A. (2021) The Entry Reaction of the Plant Shikimate Pathway is Subjected to Highly Complex Metabolite-Mediated Regulation Plant Cell online
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  2. Schenck C.A., Westphal J., Jayaraman D., Garcia K., Wen J., Mysore K.S., Ané J.M., Sumner L.W., Maeda H.A.* (2020) Role of Cytosolic, Tyrosine-Insensitive Prephenate Dehydrogenase in Medicago truncatula. Plant Direct 4: e00218
  3. Maeda H.A.* (2019b) Harnessing evolutionary diversification of primary metabolism for plant synthetic biology J. Biol. Chem., 294, 16549-16566.' Invited review in "Natural product biosynthesis: What's next? A thematic series"
  4. Maeda H.A.* (2019a) Evolutionary diversification of primary metabolism and its contribution to plant chemical diversity Front. Plant Sci., 10 July 2019 Invited review on the special issue, "The Origin of Plant Chemodiversity".
  5. Wang M., Toda K., Block A., Maeda H.A.* (2019) TAT1 and TAT2 tyrosine aminotransferases have both distinct and shared functions in tyrosine metabolism and degradation in Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Biol. Chem. 294, 3563-3576.
  6. Lopez-Nieves S.*, Pringle A., Maeda H.A. (2019) Biochemical characterization of TyrA dehydrogenases from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Ascomycota) and Pleurotus ostreatus (Basidiomycota) Arch Biochem Biophys. [Epub ahead of print]
  7. de Oliveira M.V.V., Jin X., Chen X., Griffith D., Batchu S., Maeda H.A.* (2019). Imbalance of tyrosine by modulating TyrA arogenate dehydrogenases impacts growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana.Plant J. 97, 901-922.
  8. Smith S.D.*, Angelovici R., Heyduk K., Maeda H.A., Moghe G.D., Pires J.C., Widhalm J.R., Wisecaver J.H. (2019). The Renaissance of Comparative Biochemistry. Am. J. Bot.. 106, 3-13.
  9. Lopez-Nieves S., Yang Y., Timoneda T., Wang M., Feng T., Smith S.A., Brockington S.F., Maeda H.A.* (2018) Relaxation of Tyrosine Pathway Regulation Underlies the Evolution of Betalain Pigmentation in Caryophyllales. New Phytologist 217, 896-908. Free view-only version Featured in Nature Plants, UW News, USDA NIFA, NY Times, and BBC (Spanish)
  10. Timoneda A., Sheehan H., Feng T., Lopez-Nieves S., Maeda H.A., Brockington S. (2018) Redirecting Primary Metabolism to Boost Production of Tyrosine-Derived Specialised Metabolites in Planta. Sci. Rep. 8; 17256
  11. Schenck C.A.. and Maeda H.A.* (2018) Tyrosine Biosynthesis, Metabolism, Catabolism in Plants. Phytochemistry 149, 82-102.
    This article provides a comprehensive review on tyrosine biosynthesis, catabolism, and metabolism to downstream specialized metabolites in plants.
  12. Hollland CK, Berkovich DA, Kohn ML, Maeda H, Jez JM. (2018) Structural Basis for Substrate Recognition and Inhibition of Prephenate Aminotransferase from Arabidopsis. Plant J. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13856.
  13. Schenck C.A., Men Y. and Maeda H.A.* (2017b) Conserved Molecular Mechanism of TyrA Dehydrogenase Substrate Specificity Underlying Alternative Tyrosine Biosynthetic Pathways in Plants and Microbes Frontiers Mol. Biosci. online
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  14. Schenck C.A., Holland C.K., Schneider M., Men Y., Lee S.G., Jez J. and Maeda H.A.* (2017a) Molecular Basis of the Evolution of Alternative Tyrosine Biosynthetic Routes in Plants. Nature Chem. Biol. 13, 1029-1035 Free view-only version Featured in UW News and Nature Plants.
  15. Wang M. and Maeda H.A.* (2017) Aromatic Amino Acid Aminotransferases in Plants. Phytochemistry Reviews, 1-29. DOI:10.1007/s11101-017-9520-6. Free view-only version
  16. Lynch JH, Orlova I, Zhao C, Guo L, Jaini R, Maeda H, Akhtar T, Cruz-Lebron J, Rhodes D, Morgan J, Pilot G, Pichersky E, Dudareva N. (2017) Multifaceted plant responses to circumvent Phe hyperaccumulation by downregulation of flux through the shikimate pathway and by vacuolar Phe sequestration. Plant J. 92, 939-950.
  17. Wang M., Lopez-Nieves S., Goldman I., Maeda H.A.* (2017) Limited Tyrosine Utilization Explains Lower Betalain Contents in Yellow than Red Table Beet Genotypes. J Agric Food Chem. 65, 4305–4313.
    Betalains are red and yellow alkaloid pigments derived from tyrosine. Previous studies showed that yellow pigments accumulate much less than red pigments. Through quantitative chemical analyses of different beet genotypes, this study found that increased tyrosine levels were positively correlated with elevated betalain accumulations among red but not yellow genotypes, suggesting that yellow beets are not efficiently converting tyrosine into betalain pigments. Thus, better utilization of the accumulated tyrosine can likely improve betaxanthin production in yellow beets.
  18. Wang M., Toda K., Maeda H.A.* (2016) Biochemical Properties and Subcellular Localization of Tyrosine Aminotransferases from Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytochemistry, 132, 16–25
  19. Maeda H.A.* (2016) Lignin biosynthesis: Tyrosine shortcut in grasses. Nature Plants 2, 16080 DOI: 10.1038/NPLANTS.2016.80
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  20. Schenck C.A., Chen S., Siehl D., Maeda H.A.* (2015) Non-plastidic, Tyrosine-Insensitive Prephenate Dehydrogenases from Legumes. Nature Chem. Biol. 11, 52-57 *Featured on the Cover.
    L-Tyrosine (Tyr) and its plant-derived natural products are essential in both plants and humans. In plants, Tyr is generally assumed to be synthesized in the plastids via arogenate dehydrogenase (ADH) that is strictly inhibited by Tyr. Here we identified non-plastidic Tyr-insensitive prephenate dehydrogenases (PDHs) uniquely present in legumes, providing molecular evidence for the diversification of primary metabolic Tyr pathway via an alternative cytosolic PDH pathway in plants. Also, the Tyr-insensitive property of the identified PDH enzymes has immediate impacts on metabolic engineering to improve the production of Tyr and Tyr-derived natural products.
  21. Dornfeld C., Weisberg A.J., Ritesh KC, Dudareva N., Jelesko J.G., Maeda H.A.* (2014) Phylobiochemical Characterization of Class-Ib Aspartate/Prephenate Aminotransferases Reveals Evolution of the Plant Arogenate Phenylalanine Pathway Plant Cell 26, 3101-3114
  22. Plants use phenylalanine to produce abundant and diverse phenylpropanoid compounds, such as flavonoids, tannins, and lignin. Through phylogenetic, bioinformatic, and biochemical analyses of prephenate aminotransferase enzymes from plant and bacterial lineages, this study revealed unique evolutionary history and molecular changes of key enzymes responsible for phenylalanine biosynthesis in plants. The findings assist the rational design of antimicrobial drugs and herbicides, but also highlight the use of phylobiochemical characterization of enzymes from deep taxonomic lineages in determining key molecular changes that lead to the evolution of new metabolic pathways. UW news release.
  23. Luby C., Maeda H.A., Goldman I. (2014) Genetic and Phenological Variation of Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Content in Wild (Daucus carota L. var. carota) and Domesticated Carrot (D. carota L. var. sativa) Horticulture Research 1:15
  24. Maeda H., Song W., Sage T.L., DellaPenna D. (2014) Role of Callose Synthases in Transfer Cell Wall Development in Tocopherol Deficient Arabidopsis Mutants. Front. Plant Sci. 5:46.
  25. Yoo H., Widhalma J.R., Qiana Y., Maeda H., Cooperc B.R., Jannaschc A.S., Gondae I., Lewinsohne E., Rhodes D., Dudareva D. (2013) An Alternative Pathway Contributes to Phenylalanine Biosynthesis in Plants via a Cytosolic Tyrosine:Phenylpyruvate Aminotransferase. Nature Commun. 4:2833
  26. Maeda H. and Dudareva N. (2012) The Shikimate Pathway and Aromatic Amino Acid Biosynthesis in Plants. Ann. Rev. Plant Biol. Vol. 63, 73-105
  27. Muhlemann J.K., Maeda H., Chang C.Y., San Miguel P., Baxter I., Cooper B., Perera M.A., Nikolau B.J., Vitek O., Morgan J.A., Dudareva N. (2012) Developmental Changes in the Metabolic Network of Snapdragon Flowers. PLoS ONE 7(7): e40381
  28. Maeda H., Yoo H., and Dudareva N. (2011) Prephenate Aminotransferase Directs Plant Phenylalanine Biosynthesis via Arogenate. Nature Chem. Biol., DOI:10.1038/nchembio.485
  29. Maeda H., Shasany A.K., Schnepp J., Orlova1 I., Taguchi G., Cooper B.R., Rhodes D., Pichersky E. and Dudareva N. (2010) RNAi Suppression of Arogenate Dehydratase1 Reveals That Phenylalanine Is Synthesized Predominantly via the Arogenate Pathway in Petunia Petals. Plant Cell 22, 832-849 *Described as a Research Highlight in Nature Chem. Biol. 6, 310
  30. Song W., Maeda H., and DellaPenna D. (2010) Mutations of the ER to plastid lipid transporters (TGD1, 2, 3 and 4) and the ER oleate desaturase (FAD2) suppress the low temperature-induced phenotype of Arabidopsis tocopherol deficient mutant vte2. Plant J. 62, 1004-1018
  31. Orlova I., Nagegowda D.A., Kish C.M., Gutensohn M., Maeda H., Varbanova M., Fridman E., Yamaguchi S., Hanada A., Kamiya Y., Krichevsky A., Citovsky V., Pichersky E., and Dudareva N. (2009) The Small Subunit Snapdragon Geranyl Diphosphate Synthase Modifies the Chain Length Specificity of Tobacco Geranylgeranyl Diphosphate Synthase in Planta. Plant Cell 21, 4002-4017
  32. Maeda H., Sage T.L., Isaac G.., Welti R., and DellaPenna D. (2008) Tocopherols Modulate Extra-Plastidic Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Metabolism in Arabidopsis at Low Temperature. Plant Cell 20, 452-470 *Described in the Featured Article of the issue Plant Cell 20, 246
  33. Maeda H. and DellaPenna D. (2007) Tocopherol Functions in Photosynthetic Organisms. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 10, 260-265
  34. Maeda H., Song W., Sage T.L. and DellaPenna D. (2007) Tocopherols Play a Limited Role in Photoprotection but a Crucial Role in Chilling Adaptation in Arabidopsis Leaves. In Current Advances in the Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Plant Lipids, C. Benning and J. Ohlrogge, eds (Aardvark Global Publishing Company, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT), pp. 112-115 PDF download (4.5 MB)
  35. Maeda H., Song W., Sage T.L. and DellaPenna D. (2006) Tocopherols Play a Crucial Role in Low Temperature Adaptation and Phloem Loading in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 18, 2710-2732 *Highlighted on the Cover of the issue.
  36. Sakuragi Y., Maeda H., DellaPenna D. and Bryant D.A. (2006) α-Tocopherol Plays a Role in Photosynthesis and Macronutrient Homeostasis of the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 That is Independent of its Antioxidant Function. Plant Physiol. 141, 508-521
  37. Maeda H., Sakuragi Y., Bryant D.A., and DellaPenna D. (2005) Tocopherols Protect Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803 from Lipid Peroxidation. Plant Physiol. 138, 1422-1435
  38. Cheng Z., Sattler S., Maeda H., Sakuragi Y., Bryant D.A., and DellaPenna D. (2003) Highly Divergent Methyltransferases Catalyze a Conserved Reaction in Tocopherol and Plastoquinone Synthesis in Cyanobacteria and Photosynthetic Eukaryotes. Plant Cell 15, 2343-2356
  39. Okazawa A., Maeda H., Fukusaki E., Katakura Y., and Kobayashi A. (2000) In Vitro Selection of Hematoporphyrin Binding DNA Aptamers. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 10, 2653-2656
  40. Fukusaki E., Kato T., Maeda H., Kawazoe N., Ito Y., Okazawa A., Kajiyama S. and Kobayashi A. (2000) DNA Aptamers that Bind to Chitin. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 10, 423-425