Maeda Lab:Lab Members

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Current Lab Members

Hiroshi A. Maeda
Principal Investigator <>
Aug. 2011 - present
  • 2007-2011 Postdoc, Purdue University
  • 2006 PhD, Michigan State University, Cell and Molecular Biology Program and DOE-Plant Research Laboratory
  • 2001 MS, Osaka University, Biotechnology
  • 1999 BS, Osaka University, Biotechnology
Google Scholar citations

Karishma Shukla

Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant
May 2023 - present
Genetics major

Junyan Chen

Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
March 2023 - present
Biology major
Jacob Kunkel
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Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
Sept 2022 - present
Biochemistry major

Madelyn Schaut
Graduate student (Botany Program)
August 2020 - present
  • 2023 M.S. in Botany, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • 2019 B.S. in Plant Science, University of Minnesota Twin-Cities (Dr. Adrian Hegeman Lab).

Soyoung Jung
Graduate student (Cellular and Molecular Biology Program)
August 2020 - present
  • 2019 M.S. in Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, Department of Plant Science, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Seoul National University (Dr. Byoung-Cheorl Kang Lab)
  • 2017 B.S. in Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, Department of Plant Science, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Seoul National University

Jorge El-Azaz
Postdoctoral Research Associate
November 2019 - present
  • 2017 Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Universidad de Málaga (Laboratory of Prof. Francisco M. Cánovas and Prof. Fernando N. de la Torre)
  • 2012 M.S. in Cell and Molecular Biology, Universidad de Málaga
  • 2011 B.S. in Biology, Universidad de Málaga

Marcos Vinicius Viana De Oliveira
Research Scientist I
September 2014 - present
  • Postdoc Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texas A&M (Dr. Ping He Lab)
  • 2012 PhD Bioscience and Biotechnology, North Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil
  • 2008 MS Bioscience and Biotechnology, North Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil
  • 2006 BS Biology North Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil

==================== Previous Lab Members =======================

Ian Rgonese-Barnes
Lab manager and Research specialist
June 2022 - present
  • 2013 B.S., Botany major, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Amy Yi
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study (initially High school Intern from Verona High School)
Sept 2022 - July 2023
High School Intern from Verona High School, WI
Currently Mechanical Engineering major

Katie Carda

Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
Feb 2022 - present
Pharmacology/Toxicology major, Botany major
Kiara M. Gómez Cruz
Research Intern, NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) student
June 2023 - August 2023
Biology major, University of Puerto Rico Bayamon
Kiara's Linkedin

Rika Judd
Postdoctoral Research Associate
June 2020 - August 2023
  • 2020 Ph.D. in Plant Biology, NC State University (Dr. Deyu Xie Lab)
  • 2014 Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP), Arizona State University
  • 2013 B.S. Biological Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Yuri Takeda-Kimura
Postdoctoral Research Associate
August 2020 - July 2023

Kaan Koper
Postdoctoral Research Associate
April 2020 - May 2023
  • 2019 Ph.D. in Molecular Plant Science, Washington State University (Dr. Thomas Okita Lab)
  • 2013 M.S. in Chemical & Biological Engineering, Koc University Istanbul, Turkey
  • 2011 B.S. in Chemical & Biological Engineering, Koc University Istanbul, Turkey

Shogo Hataya
Visiting graduate student
November 2022 - April 2023
PhD student in Dr. Taichi Takasuka Lab, Hokkaido University, Japan
  • BS Hokkaido University

Bethany Moore
Postdoctoral Research Associate
January 2020 - March 2023
  • 2019 PhD Michigan State University, Plant Biology and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Program (Dr. Shin-Han Shiu Lab)
  • BS North Carolina State University, Zoology
Beth Moore's website

Bailey Kleven
Associate research specialist
April 2020 - July 2022
  • 2018 B.S. in Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Andrew Grotelueschen Hall
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
January 2020 - July 2022
  • Biochemistry and Spanish majors

Anika Gupta
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
August 2019 - May 2022
  • Biochemistry major

Megan Elizabeth Gundrum
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
January 2020 - May 2022
  • Chemical Engineering major

Tadhg Young
Graduate student (Botany Program)
January 2020 - May 2022
  • Biology B.A. Oberlin College, USA

Ryo Yokoyama
Postdoctoral Research Associate
April 2017 - March 2022 (JSPS and Uehara memorial foundation research fellows)
  • 2017 PhD Kyoto University, Japan (Dr. Toshiharu Shikanai Lab)
  • 2014 M.S. Kyoto University, Japan
  • 2012 B.S. Kyoto University, Japan

Elaine Wang
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
January 2020 - December 2020
Botany and Art majors
  • Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2019 Student Help, Lankau Lab (Plant microbe interactions)

Caroline Hanson
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
August 2017 - August 2020
  • Pharmacology-Toxicology & Botany Majors

Yusen Men
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
June 2016 - May 2019

Samuel Lopez-Nieves
Ph.D. student in Botany Program
June 2012 - December 2017
  • 2013 - present The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Fellow
  • 2012 Postbaccalaureate Education Program (PREP) Scholar, University of New Mexico
  • 2010 BS, University of Puerto Rico at Ponce, Department of Biology: Biomedical Science

Craig Schenck
Ph.D. student in Botany Program
June 2012 - May 2017
  • 2012 MS, Ohio University, Department of Environmental and Plant Biology: Molecular and Cell Biology
  • 2010 BS, Ohio University, Department of Environmental and Plant Biology: Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Minmin Wang
Postdoctoral Research Associate
September 2014 - present
  • 2013 PhD Plant Biology: University of California, Davis, Florence Zakharov Lab
  • 2008 BS in Biology: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Matthew Schneider
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
September 2015 - present
  • Major in Biochemistry

Aditya Dewanjee
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
September 2015 - present
  • Major in Biochemistry

Kelly Premo
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Lab Assistnat and Manager
October 2015 - present
  • Major in Kinesiology

Sai Batchu
Visiting Summer Undergraduate Student - the Integrated Biological Sciences Summer Research Program (IBS-SRP)
May - August 2016
Department of Biology, The College of New Jersey

Micha Wijesingha-Ahchige
Visiting Master Student
January 2016 - present
  • Agrobiotechnology M.Sc. Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany
  • 2014 BS in Biology, University of Cologne, Germany

Josh Westphal
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
January 2015 - present
  • Major in Biochemistry and Botany

Meichen (Echo) Pan
Lab Assistnat and Manager
April 2014 - December 2015
  • Major in Food Science

Un Shin (Rosia) Schmidt
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
October 2014 - December 2015
  • Major in Biochemistry and Botany

Chen Xuan
Visiting Scientist
December 2014 - December 2015
  • Associate professor of Horticulture College, Nanjing Agricultural University
  • 2011 PhD, College of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University
  • 2002 MS, Department of Tea, Zhejiang University
  • 1995 BS, Department of Biology, Shandong University

Stephanie Miller
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
December 2014 - August 2015
  • Major in Biology (Plant Biology option)

Siyu (Sylvia) Chen
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Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
January 2013 - June 2015
  • Major in Nutritional Sciences
  • 2013 Fritz Went Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship
Current Position:
  • Research technician at Children's Nutrition Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine

Kelly Wallin
Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
August 2013 - May 2015
  • Major in Biochemistry and Botany
Current Position:
  • Graduate student at University of Minnesota, Department of Biochemistry

Jim Shupryt
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Undergraduate Student for Independent Study
January 2014 - December 2014
  • Major in Biochemistry
  • 2014 Fritz Went Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship

Xing Jin
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Dec 2011 - May 2014 (Undergraduate Student for Independent Study, Biology Major)

Current Position:
  • University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Pharmacy, Pharm D Program

Zoe Retzlaff

Dec 2011 - May 2012 (Undergraduate Student for Independent Study, Major in Biology and Environmental Studies)

Current Position:

Camilla Dornfeld

Jan 2012 - May 2014 (Undergraduate Student for Independent Study, Biology Major)

Current Position:
  • Epic, Quality Assurance Specialist

Christine Jilek
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Nov 2011 - May 2014 (Lab Manager, Food Science Major)

Current Position:
  • Rotational Associate at Wrigley

Jacob Litman

May 2012 - May 2012 (Undergraduate Student for Independent Study, Biology Major) 2012 Fritz Went Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship

Current Position:

Julian Verdonk August 2012 - May 2013 (Research Scientist)

Current Position:
Kyoko Toda

Feb. 2012 - Feb. 2013 (Visiting Scientist)

Current Position: