Maeda Lab:Outreach
PlantCMB outreach, “Build-a-Plant”, at UW Science Expedition - April 17, 2023The Maeda Lab led the outreach event called “Build-a-plant”, together with five other laboratories of the PlantCMB group on UW campus to work with local children and parents about various aspects of plant science, where our lab used plant pigments and metabolic pathway puzzles to explain how diverse chemicals are produced in different plant species. Ian from our lab created the stickers that were given to each participant upon finishing an activity, assembling them to construct a plant from the roots upwards. Despite it being a cold, wet, blustery day (April in Wisconsin!) the action at the tables was nonstop for three hours. We certainly filled the Health Science Learning Center with a lot of excitement about plants! Thank you many of you who participated and visited our outreach! Science Night at Anana Elementary School - April 13, 2023The Maeda lab also carried out a Science Night outreach event at Milele Chikasa Anana Elementary School in the city of Madison. We conducted "Pigment Art" activyt with children, who carried out paper chromatography/chemical reactions with plant pigments to learn about their properties and their importance in our society. Huegel Elementary Science Night - April 19, 2022Welcome to the submission page for the plant growth and pigment challenge!
Maeda Lab members :-)
PlantCMB outreach at UW Science Expedition, April 10, 2022Multiple labs from the UW PlantCMB group participated the 2022 UW Science Expedition. We had a lot of fun interacting with many children and parents! 2021 Virtual UW Science ExpeditionlinkDuring COVID-19 pandemic, Tadhg Young, Beth Moore, and Bailey Kleven generated an outreach video to demonstrate how to extract and study chemical properties of different plant pigments (see the video here). Why Maeda Lab runs outreach events?In plants, aromatic amino acids are used to make colorful pigments, such as anthocyanins and betalains. These pigments also have important nutritional and pharmacological value to humans. To help disseminate the broader impact of our plant metabolism research in general public, we have been presenting an outreach event called “Pigment-Art” and related activities. What is “Pigment-Art”?